Where did Basketball originate?

Basketball was started in the United States in 1891. It was made up by a teacher who was just trying to get some very energetic physical education students to do something productive with all their energy. This teacher was James Naismith. Since there was no such thing as basketball hoops in 1891, James Naismith had to find a way to make them. He started by putting two peach buckets on the wall, close to the roof in height. The students were split into two teams, as usual. They would have a soccer ball, because there were no such things as a basketball back then, and they would see who got the soccer ball in the buckets most.

Who is James Naismith?

James Naismith was born in Ontario, Canada in 1861. James Naismith was the athletic director for McGill University. After his McGill University athletic director days were over, James became the physical education teacher for the YMCA Training School. The YMCA Training School is located in Springfield, Massachusetts. During the winter, the students were not able to go outside due to weather conditions. Based on his childhood memories, James Naismith came up with, what now called basketball, for the students at the School of Christian Workers to play indoors, while going outside was not an option. When James Naismith was a child, he would play a game called duck-on-a-rock. This game involves "duck" sitting on top of a rather large rock, and James and his friends would throw rocks at the "duck" sitting on top of the rock to try and knock it down. In 1898, James Naismith became a part of the University of Kansas staff. He served as the chaplain and the physical education teacher. In addition to making one of the biggest sports in the world, James Naismith also graduated from medical school. He had an interest in sports physiology. A sports physiology is now called sports science. He also became a Presbyterian minister. James Naismith died in Kansas in 1939.